1. Back up your data! Use an online service. We like BackBlaze. It’s automatic, offsite and will save you if you get hit with the Cryptowall virus.
2. Use good working virus protection. We like Vipre.
3. Upgrade Windows 7 and Office 2010 (or any earlier versions). Microsoft will stop supporting Windows 7 in January of 2020 and Office 2010 in October of 2020. There will be no more security updates for these programs after this time.
4. Make sure your Mac is running OS X High Sierra or Mojave. If it’s too old to run High Sierra, it’s time to replace it.
5. Having problems with your computer? RESTART IT! Having problems getting online? RESTART your modem and router in that order.
6. Having problems with your email? Consider switching to Gmail or Outlook. Their account security is better than most and they have a more effective spam filter. More importantly it’s not tied to a service provide (AT&T, Comcast, WOW), leaving you free to switch providers with less hassle.
7. Put Adblock on your Google Chrome browser. It blocks most of the ads and minimizes the chances of you clicking on something bad by mistake.
8. Computer won’t boot up? Unplug it, if it’s a laptop, pull out the battery, hold the power button in for 30-40 seconds. Try starting it now.
9. Want to download free software but want to make sure the site is safe? Go to ninite.com and see if your software is there.
10. Keep track of your passwords! We like LastPass.